Phase shift to delete it or not!!


I've had phase shift for the last 2 months and I'm kind of torn. I have it to level 9 atm but honestly it's got me killed more than anything. Is there a way we can fix phase shift. Maybe once u hit level 10 u phase shift 3 times and go back to your original spot. This way you aren't always stuck in a group of mobs . Just curious what other people think about phase shift. I spent 2mil on it and I'm thinking of deleting it..


If all it does is teleport you to your target and strike, that doesn't seem beneficial at all, seems annoying if it's uncontrollable.

All the other ones I've read about (leech, quench) seem so much better in comparison.

Maybe I'm missing something though.


I think if you have GM Hiding+Stealth it adds 50% damage on your next swing. That with double strike can do decent damage. I guess you just have to use it situationally.