Tard the Paladin

Subject: Hardcore characters. Permadeath.


Characters could have boosted skill gain and higher stat/skill caps. This could be fun. I don't have a whole system planned out to share with you but here's what I've brainstormed...

The elevated stats and skills would make it tempting for PK's to create hardcore characters. Tougher PK's but way tougher penalties. I miss the old school bounty hunter boards in UO. I would always check those boards and see who the bad ass PK's were. The bounty on a permadeath character would bring back that hype we had in the old days when people dreamed of besting one of the top reds on their shard. Killing a hardcore pk would be penalty enough, but imagine if a pk had a 5 million gold bounty on his head from hundreds of victims.

I love pk'ing and the way its set up now. The current system is balanced and great for the most part. This would be another system for the truly bad ass.

Checks and Balances:

I'm not sure if its even needed but maybe one hardcore character per account? Can only create one hardcore character per month?

The PK's need to stay alive long enough to rack up the kills and build up the hype. Elevated stats/skills will help in this but there is one major difference from playing UO back in the day and playing now. Everyone that will be PK'ing and hunting PK's with this system will be using mics and coordinating attacks. Its not difficult call in the troops to gank a solo pk. Working around this we would need to get rid of criminal flagging and make recall a super fast spell. These are super pk's with a lot to lose. If its easy to gank them then there's no point.

Desired Outcome:

Bring back the old school feel of UO when PK's had a lot to lose but could also reap the spoils of war. It will be a hard system where only a few prevail and earn notoriety that will have the whole shard talking.

The PK's will rack up a lot of kills because they have elevated stats/skills and because their recalls will be blindingly fast. In order to stay alive a PK will have to stay on the move in an effort to avoid the blues seeking their bounty. For a PK to gain a top spot on the bounty board they are going to have rack up some kills though. This gives blues an opportunity to wait for the right moment to catch them in the act.

It's all a balancing act. Only the best will stay alive long enough to gain a top spot on the bounty board.
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The bounty system was removed a long time ago because it's subject to so much abuse.
I could kill my "super PK" with another account and rack up the 5 mil. Or a friend with a different IP could do it. Or with a VPN.
Plus, I'm not sure the priority here is to create more reds hunting bards in dungeons with badass skills and über speedy recall. How is that balanced for the players getting murdered?


Also, no one needs "elevated skills" to kill blues in Shame. Any half decent mage with 80 mage/med/eval can do it.
Instead your system would give a HUGE advantage to the super PKs in pvp and we really don't need that. At all.

Tard the Paladin

The bounties will work if the desire to not kill off the character outweighs the desire for gold. I think it would if you implement it right. As for killing bards, they're going to get slaughtered anyway by pks so nothing will change there...