Caveat emptor
Some things will get past us moderators. We can't catch every post. Simply report someone if you feel they are derailing or trolling a selling/buying thread and a moderator will attend to it if they feel it's a violation of the following rules:
Do NOT post in someone's selling thread unless you are bidding on the item or asking legitimate questions about the item.
Do NOT say if you think it is or isn't worth the S/B.
Do NOT post you're own item to sell inside someone else's thread.
Do NOT give your opinion of the item - "it's ugly" - unless it's positive.
Do NOT bid on your own item just to bump up the post.
Do NOT scam your fellow UOF players. This could lead to a lot worse penalties than a forum warning or blocking.
Pretty simple.
Want to sell something? Post it, use a pic if you have one. Honor your sales. Want to buy something? Post a bid or PM the seller. When you sell it, post the final price and announce it's been sold. This helps keep down unnecessary posts and questions as to whether to bids were honored.
Moderation of these the forums have been, and will continue to get more strict. Any questions or concerns,
contact forum moderators or any staff member.
Some things will get past us moderators. We can't catch every post. Simply report someone if you feel they are derailing or trolling a selling/buying thread and a moderator will attend to it if they feel it's a violation of the following rules:
Do NOT post in someone's selling thread unless you are bidding on the item or asking legitimate questions about the item.
Do NOT say if you think it is or isn't worth the S/B.
Do NOT post you're own item to sell inside someone else's thread.
Do NOT give your opinion of the item - "it's ugly" - unless it's positive.
Do NOT bid on your own item just to bump up the post.
Do NOT scam your fellow UOF players. This could lead to a lot worse penalties than a forum warning or blocking.
Pretty simple.
Want to sell something? Post it, use a pic if you have one. Honor your sales. Want to buy something? Post a bid or PM the seller. When you sell it, post the final price and announce it's been sold. This helps keep down unnecessary posts and questions as to whether to bids were honored.
Moderation of these the forums have been, and will continue to get more strict. Any questions or concerns,
contact forum moderators or any staff member.