Orc Galleon

Easy Cheese

Any idea when the surrounding tiles issue is to be fixed? I wanted to build this Galleon, but have been warned and am considering the Tokuno. Problem is I have 1k heartwood and only 275 bloodwood :((( Was hoping to be out on the seas by now!
i heard, that it might be un fixable :( thats all there is to it until an admin hops on and says for sure, yes or no. its such a great ship too imo besides the issues that surround the surrounding tiles..


I asked eppy if he would refund me mats for my orc galleon since its basicly useless and no one wants to buy but he said hed rather fix the issue which means i have a 2.8m deco boat :(


i feel like donating some real cash to get this issue bumped up to the top of the to do list
Its not really affecting anyone just a select few.
My thing is if its not going to be dealt with anytime soon a refund on materials should happen so those affected could build a galleon they can use for whirlpools instead of a useless 2.8m gold ship.
the worst part about the whole thing besides the wp issue, is that mobs get sucked into those surrounding tiles and you can't shoot them with the cannons. you can't sail away from them either its like their aboard the ship