Orc Galleon surrounding tiles issue


I have fished a whirlpool from a Tokuno. I have fished a whirlpool from a Gargoyle. Built myself an Orc Galleon...and due to the sails on the mast extending a few tiles, I am inable to get close enough to the pool to cast my line.

Also on the Orc, its impossible to place at a dock due to this as well. From another boat have to place it at the edge of the screen.

Also a boat cannot get up along the side of the Orcish Galleon once again due to the impassable tiles around it due to the extended sail.

Is this as intended or can the tile spaces be fixed to allow the sails from the mast to pass over pools/land/etc or at least let the haul of the boat get close to docks/pools/etc?


Posted in Naval Combat too...stupid phone...figured I would put here in Suggestions and Ideas too...sat in queue all weekend and no GM reply :(

EDIT: I guess what I'm asking is shouldn't the sales be "clippable" over objects? To an extent?
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i hope that this issue gets some attention so i'll post,.. i was actually really close to buildling an orc, but now i probably will not untill this gets resolved


Its always been this way when they first put galleons ingame u could scoop spawn from some islands on the mast. (no reason not to fix it thou)


But I don't understand how you can fish pools from the Tokuno and Garg but not the Orc...or place it at the docks for that matter. I can place a Tokuno or Garg at a dock fine...Orc not so much. Sailing around my Orc, it's because the sail extends out those few tiles in either direction which causes an "invisible/unpassable" barrier around the entire ship on either side whereas the other 2 gallys, since their sails do not extend, do not have this issue.

I cannot get side by side to an orc with another boat, unlike the other Gallys. Against an Orc, I have to be those few tiles away due to this barrier.


Simple solution: Don't use Orcish Galleons! I love helping simple problems!

Solution would have been simple to have known about it before hand and not wasted a 500k anchor, 10 100k barnacle encrusted ingots, 1k bloodwood (150-250g per), all of the ingots to make the forged metal (1k iron per), all of the wood to make the ship ribs (1k logs per), plus the 200 evil mage cloth. Add it all up...if it would have been a known issue, money would have been spent on another galleon and not one that was broken.


2,030,000 gold without the cost of the BOD cloth wasted on a broken problem that is not intended and was unknown until I brought it up


The best thing you can do is post the Orc for sell at 3 mil on a vender me and rumple have seen them go for that much we still think that to dam cheep for that boat the orc ship is a battle ship for fighting my sistem is down i do not know for how long if you get the stuff come and see me or rumple and i can bild you a new boat that should give you some time to get the stuff for the next boat and hope my sistem is back on and in the game
i have an orc boat now and its the orciest green possible... and this is horrible. pleeeaasssee can this be addressed at least ? its a major bummer not being able to fish from this thing or maneuver very easily
not really, because, when your sailing past mobs they get stuck into the "surrounding tiles" and once there stuck in there although in the water they are impossible to shoot with cannons..so its far less clomp