Newb Help


Can someone give me some insight on how they set up their spells for combat healing? I used to use the number pad when I first started playing UO like 13 years ago but WoW kind of fucked up my muscle memory and my left hand is more comfortable in the WASD spot of the keyboard. So what key bindings do you use for mage healing/combat?


1 = cure
2 = mini heal
3 = gheal
4 = healpot/curepot
5 = bandage
0 = stam pot (bound to key on my mouse)

q = explo
w = ebolt
e = poison
r = flamestrike

a = magic arrow
s = lighting
d = harm
f = mindblast

z = weaken
x = clumsy
c = feeble

` = stun toggle
capslock = cook explo pot
spacebar = throw explo pot

ctrl+tab = attack last
mwheel up = target last
mwheel down = target self

f1 = set target
f2 = target closest
ctrl+f2 = target closest + attack last

Missing a bunch of stuff but you get the idea