New Wood Price Breakdown.


I am looking to figure the market price for logs and the different variety they come in.
Can everyone pitch in and give some feedback.
The below breakdown is what I believe they can be sold for on a regular bases if the demand is present.
Each price reflects the rarity of the harvest.

Reg. Logs 2.5 gp
Oak Logs 6-10 gp
Ash Logs 12-16 gp
Yew Logs 20-25 gp
Heartwood Logs 40-55 gp
Bloodwood Logs 75 gp
Frostwood Logs 150-250 gp

Thanks for the feed back.


This is great as a guide. Its very close to what I sell on market today. My input would be ordinary logs are now selling well for me at 3-4 gold each. Thank you for posting! :)


Thanks Elsa, I haven't played much since I wrote that and hope that the lumber trade is doing good. I was making solid money selling lumber.


Hey Beer, back around Christmas was the last time I played the market. Shortly after that I had to remove myself from the UO world.
During that time there was a market.
I was selling Blood, Frost, and Heart woods by the 100 qty and other by 1k... then just bulking out the regular logs.
Selling a lot about once a week, I made out pretty well. The only down side was the fact that logging is time consuming. I made the same amount of cash with my provo/archer in a day that I could in week of logging.


I agree, I'm currently producing in this market and just supplying all logs except frost (not able to find any yet a 115 LJ), seems to go quick (about 24-48 hours). Of course like Alas says, it's time consuming and more money comes from higher level pvm. There seems to be a lot of bowcrafters out there willing to buy and people just leveling carp in general.