I didnt mean amount of stun chances i ment chance to actually stun when you punch. I honestly dont know.this for a fact but like i said its what ive been told from a fee very reliable sources and i definitly notice the difference when i pvpI should have rephrased that. I more meant that why would a minimal amount of dex (obviously you are not gonna add a ton of dex on a mage) increase your stuns. Swing speed is based off of groups of 30. So 30 dex is faster than 0-29. 60 Dex is quicker than 30-59. And so on.
Unless you have 40 dex and pot up, you will not reach the next level of swing speed so in theory, you should not stun any faster than with 30 dex (or 25 + blue pot).
35 dex as a minimum means that without a blue pot, you can take a clumsy (-11 dex) and still have 24 dex. Enough to get you over (after a stun) the 8 Stam drain point (where you run with less than 8 stam and it drains to 0). If you blue pot up with 35, you can possibly stun twice before you have to red pot up.