For those who are not banned... you may want to know that if you question this rules existence and its enforcement you will be insta-banned.
My unwanted purge from the group + it's lack of existence on my discord channel would show otherwise. Thank you for your contribution to the UOFK community.
Well you weren't banned. You were kicked by one of the mods for repeatively posting the screen in the OP of this thread with "when is this a rule?". You can rejoin at any time as Parsnip mentions above.@halygon Why was i banned from discord for asking when and who enforced that rule, after a moderator exclaimed that this rule has, in fact, been in effect for quite some time? Misuse of power? Taking on personal issues by issuing bans and deleting game content text more appropriate to UOFK discord General chat than a majority of ramblings... UOFK Discord experience 1/10, would not recommend.