Need Help Making a Macro that Autokills Tames


So I have a macro script that will spam animal taming on the closet target type. I would like to add a command to that script that e-bolts the target once it becomes tame.

Is there any way for Steam to recognize when the animal becomes tame? This is where I am stuck. Obviously journal reading is not allowed, so I am wondering if there is another way. I know how to use script to rename the animal once it is tamed. If I could find a way to target a mobile by its name rather than its serial, then the problem would be solved. However I can't find a way to do that.

Does anyone have a solution?

Young Star

if tobetamed = specific name
cast "energy bolt"
target tobetamed

obviously you will have to fill in some of the specifics but that should get you the general idea.


Hi Young Star,

Thanks for the reply. I solved the problem while this was up, and the script works like a charm. Lets me tame and dispose of a single target. All I have to do is move myself to the next one once it's finished. The "while name" function is what made it possible. I will share the script below

NOTES: This script was designed for hostile, isolated tames in dungeons. It only works if your tamer has Mage / Music / Peace. I also temporarily have GM eval so that may be helping with disposal of high HP tames. Here it is:

if @findtype 0xc9 'any' 'world' 'closest'
  @setalias 'tamingtarget' 'found'

useskill "peacemaking"
waitfortarget 15000
target 'tamingtarget'
pause 500
warmode 'on'
pause 500
warmode 'off'
pause 4000

while name 'tamingtarget' != tame
if hits < "90"
    useskill "peacemaking"
    waitfortarget 15000
    target 'tamingtarget'
    pause 500
    warmode 'on'
    pause 500
    warmode 'off'
    pause 4000
    cast "Heal"
    waitfortarget 15000
    target "self"
    pause 3000
useskill "Animal Taming"
  waitfortarget 15000
  target 'tamingtarget'
  pause 11000
  @rename 'tamingtarget' tame
  pause 2000


while name 'tamingtarget' == tame
  cast "Energy Bolt"
  waitfortarget 15000
  @target 'tamingtarget'
  pause 500
  warmode 'on'
  pause 500
  warmode 'off'
  pause 500
  msg 'all stop'
  cast "Energy Bolt"
  waitfortarget 15000
  @target 'tamingtarget'
  @headmsg MOVE TO NEW TAME
  pause 500000

edits: I keep improving the script through trial and error.
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