Naval Update Commentary


Wouldn't that fall into multiclienting for pvp? Just page on them if they're doing it.

It has already been gone over several times. People will be using multiple clients while fishing. This could be to get resources, do whirlpools, do SoS messages, cast nets, etc. Once someone comes to jack your boat, you're free to use everything you have to defend yourself. If you're the pirate, you can also make the best of your multiple clients. Just no macros or scripts that aid you by controlling the other clients for you are allowed, such as cross-healing macros that auto-heal everyone. Before I had read that they would consider 3 archers to be multi-client PvP while on a boat, unless you're not the attacker and are just defending yourself. I've only got 2 archers and none of this involves me abusing macros to assist in what I do as I control all 3 clients manually, one at a time.

Jace Belerin

It has already been gone over several times. People will be using multiple clients while fishing. This could be to get resources, do whirlpools, do SoS messages, cast nets, etc. Once someone comes to jack your boat, you're free to use everything you have to defend yourself. If you're the pirate, you can also make the best of your multiple clients. Just no macros or scripts that aid you by controlling the other clients for you are allowed, such as cross-healing macros that auto-heal everyone. Before I had read that they would consider 3 archers to be multi-client PvP while on a boat, unless you're not the attacker and are just defending yourself. I've only got 2 archers and none of this involves me abusing macros to assist in what I do as I control all 3 clients manually, one at a time.
Not saying it won't or doesn't happen but my understanding of the rules makes it seem like it's a punishable offense.

"There may be no multi-clienting in Player VS Player (PvP) scenarios. Auto following your main account on an additional account AND/OR using one account to shoot arrows, cast, or use pets alt+tabbing between clients while you pvp the same person(s) on an additional account at the same time is a jail-able offense. You may however, use two clients at any time for Player VS Monster (PvM) scenarios."


It is rather silly that since you have 2+ chars on your boat at all times following you around--while on land they would not follow you around without mirroring--that you can't simply switch to a different client while in a PvP situation on a boat without breaking rules (it happens all of the time, trust me). Everyone that has more than 1 client on a boat and switches over to a different client during a PvP situation is a rule breaker by these standards. It happens on a boat especially, because ALL of your characters are following you by default, while on land, you have to specifically break rules and make another client follow you around in order to break these rules. Also, I heard reports about archers auto-attacking other targets once they target your boat. What is then the rule? If they auto-target it is OK, but if you manually target via switching to a different client it is forbidden? What I read before clearly said that 2 archers are OK, but 3 archers are not OK unless you're not attacking. If an attacker can use 2 archers, this probably means he was switching between clients in order to target people.
well as it goes the staff isn't around to police things all the time, if there not on at the time then you gotta have proof and even then the proof is hard to judge, if someone was multi clienting . i think it would be great if you could hide on your boat (with out the skill) and issue ship commands. (as if you were below deck) without becoming revealed. then multi clienters and other peoples pets would not interfere with ship battles, imo how it should be. also ev's would be useless. imagine naval pvp where people use their boats...