We could do normal dye tub hues no problem, i just didn't think people even wanted those. Those hues aren't usually labled as "rare" hues.

obviously they aren't, yet a purple or a yellow mask could actually BE a rare. There are quite some cool hues on the reg. dye tub (also on the special dye tub) and if these things had a very low drop-rate I bet that people would go crazy for them (dark purple feathere tribal anyone??)

PS: make sure to not add colors that are already available through donations and/or are event items. In particular I'm talking the light purple feathered tribal, red tribal, red bear + deer mask and the green tribal/bear/dear from xmas.


obviously they aren't, yet a purple or a yellow mask could actually BE a rare. There are quite some cool hues on the reg. dye tub (also on the special dye tub) and if these things had a very low drop-rate I bet that people would go crazy for them (dark purple feathere tribal anyone??)

PS: make sure to not add colors that are already available through donations and/or are event items. In particular I'm talking the light purple feathered tribal, red tribal, red bear + deer mask and the green tribal/bear/dear from xmas.

Blaine the Gypsy

There's a lot more content that could be adapted to be in use for this era. Just like Dragon Armor was adapted there could be room for any of the new craftables, weapons, armor, and anything. I'm personally not worried about colors I'm worried about content.

wendy whoppers

Not everyone loves cloth either. There is rare cloth and clothes in whirlpools and I don't see floods of people there either.
Because it's a crap colour and its fishing. Most people hate fishing.

Monsters get people in dungeons. Should be MOTM with rare cloth...

wendy whoppers

We could do normal dye tub hues no problem, i just didn't think people even wanted those. Those hues aren't usually labled as "rare" hues.
Put on named MOTM normal dye tub Hued sandals and masks etc... Like 1 in 50 kills for a random piece or clothing or sandals. Maybe have 1 or 2 different normal hue colours each month.

Named item could be : 'Lich MOTM'

Or 'I owned a Lich in July 2015'

I think that would be really cool... And it doesn't effect your donation vendor... People would love named sandals and masks etc. Heck even doublets and kilts etc

Rusty Hart

Spell Syllables
adjective, rarer, rarest.
coming or occurring far apart in time; unusual; uncommon:
a rare disease; His visits are rare occasions.
thinly distributed over an area; few and widely separated:
Lighthouses are rare on that part of the coast.
having the component parts not closely compacted together; notdense:
rare gases; lightheaded from the rare mountain air.
unusually great:
a rare display of courage.
unusually excellent; admirable; fine:
She showed rare tact in inviting them.



There are tons of ideas aside of whats normally on dono vendor/pools or whatever.
How about the masks that drop are simply DYE-ABLE by a normal tub(only).

I'm really an un-fan of the .1 scrolls myself but it is irrelevant. There is no reason to go out of my way to farm them it seems right now, I did a while via maps however.

Other ideas:
-House deeds (why not), Could sell to shop, player, keep, place...Might make someones day to get a tower deed off a deamon :]

-Potion/apparatus which would give your pet/talisman increased gain for a set amount of time.

-Killing 25 MOTMs grants the above suggestion, perhaps...

-There has to be hues that aren't on the server that could be for cloth drops. Would be mega rare if that hue(s) were only available that month.

-House sign dye

-Random smaller deco items off GOLD sink vendor.

-Killing MOTM grants you double/triple toward your conquest of that mob if applicable.

-Shoe armor patch

-Temp Armor Bless deeds
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wendy whoppers


There are tons of ideas aside of whats normally on dono vendor/pools or whatever.
How about the masks that drop are simply DYE-ABLE by a normal tub(only).

I'm really an un-fan of the .1 scrolls myself but it is irrelevant. There is no reason to go out of my way to farm them it seems right now, I did a while via maps however.

Other ideas:
-House deeds (why not), Could sell to shop, player, keep, place...Might make someones day to get a tower deed off a deamon :]

-Potion/apparatus which would give your pet/talisman increased gain for a set amount of time.

-Killing 25 MOTMs grants the above suggestion, perhaps...

-There has to be hues that aren't on the server that could be for cloth drops. Would be mega rare if that hue(s) were only available that month.

-House sign dye

-Random smaller deco items off GOLD sink vendor.

-Killing MOTM grants you double/triple toward your conquest of that mob if applicable.

-Shoe armor patch

-Temp Armor Bless deeds
Oh the gold sink vendor. Lol don't mention that around here..... People will only 'gold sink' if the items are changed regularly and are relevant..... Since shard start we have only ever seen pure white... Can't beleive this hasn't been cycled to create a rares market.

Blaine the Gypsy

Truth is unless its ultra white, blaze cloth not one will care much.
We have barely been into the MOTM for a solid month honestly and it was done exactly how people wanted it and now those same people are complaining because the motm isn't dropping blaze cloth every 10th kill.

You don't have to kill them, it's just an addition.

There's an insane amount of stealable rares, rares from dungeon bosses, rares from RDA's, rares from wirlpools you can still do.

There are rares on there, they are just that ... rare.
It's an elven chest. Normally craftable but not on UOF.
There's a whole list of common monsters you fight on a daily basis while there are tons of unused mobs just waiting to be used graphically. Monster of the months is too much oh this spawn here all the time.
Make it so you actually gotta go out and hut something and something new. Maybe a little story backing.
As of right now the story of UOF goes, Opening Day, Pet Apocalypse, Ddos raids, unfinished unseen promised content. I've been offering myself and skills to bring some dramatic changes to this old game even on the line of classic Ultima. Now we sit and wait until someone finally says ok let's work on this. This shard has only kept me here even through the bullshit CARL did to my guild and others is the hope of change and seeing the potential of what could be done with the skills of the existing staff along side with the player base.


i got 2 relics off em fourth of july weekend, i think the drop rate significantly lowered when they added the monster of the month title to them thou


Young Player Help
If it isn't a wearable, people are not interested. Whatever cloth we add, we'll have someone complaining about devaluing their donation clothing.

We add a deco rare to the MoTM. The response is, oh, that isn't rare because it is craftable on other shards. What constitutes a rare then?

Do people actually think you should get a drop every 50 kills? I've seen people get 1/10000 drops on the first day of introducing a rare.

Half the drop rate for a rare hued house? There will most likely be a few of these houses dropping per day. Do you guys see what I am getting at?

We have the rares on champs and people don't care about them. They have pretty stupid drop rates as well. What do you guys want exactly? We add rares but no one cares about them.
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Blaine the Gypsy

Maybe a magical item expansion that is only activated for PvM. They can have their fireball swords sure, but will only activate vs a Mob. The idea with Relics allowing traits of some of the AoS weapon skills/features like leech gave me this idea. Let them find 1 - 5% or so Leech or on hit fireball with X charges. As for rares it's different for everyone. Some easy to please and some just don't know what they want. I say introduce the Staining system of some sort but made for this shard. All of the "new" stuff can be adapted back to a simple state that UO:R is. The Artifact system could be introduced in some original fashion. I know I've put up ideas that could expand to a workable rare chart. Just don't end up having a Wirt's Leg like Diablo. No matter what people will farm the crap out of something it's what you do if you're not pvping or in some rare cases RPing. Putting a timer even on the dungeon bosses is pretty much exploited and the same people activate it all day.

Rare hue houses? Please no I don't want to run around in wonderland... I can understand the raffle ones, but not as loot. *Shivers*


If it isn't a wearable, people are not interested. Whatever cloth we add, we'll have someone complaining about devaluing their donation clothing.

We add a deco rare to the MoTM. The response is, oh, that isn't rare because it is craftable on other shards. What constitutes a rare then?

Do people actually think you should get a drop every 50 kills? I've seen people get 1/10000 drops on the first day of introducing a rare.

Half the drop rate for a rare hued house? There will most likely be a few of these houses dropping per day. Do you guys see what I am getting at?

We have the rares on champs and people don't care about them. They have pretty stupid drop rates as well. What do you guys want exactly? We add rares but no one cares about them.
What if you took white off the gold sink and added a few new cloths at varying prices. You could then add masks of the same hues to the monster of the month, with rarity reflecting the prices of the cloth on the gold sink.

Blaine the Gypsy

Put side by side "rares" that drop/find, "rares" you steal, and "rares" you craft.
Out of all of them which is harder to do? Which one has more? Which one is mostly complained about? Why are they complaining besides trolling?
Find a balance.


I like the idea of a named item a lot or a unique item associated only with that month's MOTM. It doesn't even need to be anything fancy just something like "I killed july 2015's MOTM and all I got was this useless wand" or something like a hair dye that's maybe not a known top shelf color but unique to the available spectrum or even a deco item . That each monster of the month would have a specific rare associated with it seems like a fun idea. I do think if anything like this was implemented the item shouldn't be too bad ass and the drop rate shouldn't be to rare . Maybe 1 per 1k to 2k kills per drop average so that anyone really committed to killing the MOTM should get at least 1. Also I'd like to see you make the MOTM items steal-able from the monsters unlike skill scrolls currently are (but should be) when you use the stealing skill on the monster of the month.
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If it isn't a wearable, people are not interested. Whatever cloth we add, we'll have someone complaining about devaluing their donation clothing.

We add a deco rare to the MoTM. The response is, oh, that isn't rare because it is craftable on other shards. What constitutes a rare then?

Do people actually think you should get a drop every 50 kills? I've seen people get 1/10000 drops on the first day of introducing a rare.

Half the drop rate for a rare hued house? There will most likely be a few of these houses dropping per day. Do you guys see what I am getting at?

We have the rares on champs and people don't care about them. They have pretty stupid drop rates as well. What do you guys want exactly? We add rares but no one cares about them.

Well, i can assure you if that daemon box was a similar level hue to say the eventscore hue, then people would be all over it - instead of the dull and bland default white that is as desirable as sand in my underpants. Could also combine that with a cool name (if one isn't already on it).

1 in 50 kills is not rare, my brother is a *.

Most of the champ rares aren't great - some are very cool though. The thing is, it is a champ spawn, not something that can be farmed individually at any time (as in caters to all gamers at any time). There would be a market for champ cloth yards (desirable ones) though...

The MOTM as it stands has loads of potential. Don't give up!