MoTM Ogre Lords


Have additional spawn points been added to overland for this month? I know last month they did, but I dunno if that was going to be a monthly thing or a one-time deal


wanna say last month was special just because of how limited those spawns were, but ya never know when they like to change stuff up


Staff member
Anyone got any good places for spawns? Somewhere that would be a good area for action to take place within?


@Shane is it possible to pepper in ogrelordes where normal ogres spawn? like in stead of a paragon spawn it would become an ogrelorde?
but north of brit has lots of action with humanoids. same with the woods south west of trin, and west of vesper

The passes were a pretty good idea.

like where the snow else were added


I checked some of the snow elemental locations added last month and those are still currently spawning (9 outside wind for instance). Those should be removed unless there is another reason to have them?

On the note of additional ogre lord placement. Perhaps a story line addition:
"Ogres have invaded the forest, lord commanders are now leading the staging grounds". - Jumping normal forest spawn around the world to some 'Vesper-like' ogre lord spawns. Would be a neat idea to mix in a storylines/themes going forward in 2016 instead of just tagging the monsters with MoTM for farming purposes