Monsters on Sallos.


On Sallos I am unable to see the second form of the boss in Khaldun or the FanFir boss in Destard. (I'm sure there are more that I am unable to see but these two are all that come to mind) I tried looking through UOFiddler but I cannot find their arts or animations to change them to something I am able to see. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas of how I could get their art files so I could replace them with something else. Any help is appreciated!

Also, I can see everything on Steam/Razor so I don't know why they aren't on fiddler..
Also, don't be a smartass and say something like, "Use [insert client here]"


I also have an issue with sallos where if i enter destard through main entrance, my client crashes, and if I leave Ice dungeon, I can't see the houses outside? Don't know if its just me, would appreciate any clarication though


I'll check out the ice dungeon thing right now. I remember on uoforever you could go to the blood dungeon and all houses would disappear. I think it's probably the same issue, which was never resolved. :(


I'm positive that the staff are aware of these issues. I'm not sure if there's just nothing they can do or it's very low on the priority list. Either way, it's something Sallos users just have to deal with for now.


I'm not bitching about it. I'm simply asking for some help in order to fix the problem so I can share it with other Sallos users like myself that enjoy to PvM.