I think currently it is a nice reward for newer players and will be especially when it get to the easy monsters. And if you make the reward too unique or rare then any and all of these spots will be camped by the rich vets only to make it even harder for the young ones imagine despise and every ettin span spot it the forest when the ettins are motm if you could get a something unique. Where will our future hunter, bards, mages, pks, archers train if these spots are filled with vets.
I admit i have a chest full of usless scrolls .1 scrolls but now i know to let someone else have worry about getting killed for a .1 tactics scroll.
If you even hint that a lizardman can drop unique hat that says "king of lizards" any and all spawns with be camped. Let the new guys have something for once.
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Well to be honest I think every spawn should have a custom rare drop all the time, kinda like statues but not statues . those are kinda useless ..
I love the idea of named weapons that may have a lsayer attribute to them but other then the name of the weapon and possibly a unique hue for it as well , its the same as any other weapon that can be looted from the spawn type.