WTS Monster Drop Semi-Rares



Taking offers on the 4 monster drop semi rares shown above:

1. tray
2. arrows
3. glass mugs
4. inkwell


Also taking offers on these semi rares:

1. broken furniture - dresser
2. flask - green sideways one
3. bottle - cyan colored bottle
4. flask - short green one SOLD 50k
5. sake SOLD 50k
6. wasabi - the wooden tray with the small blob on it
7. books
8. broken chair
9. bolas
10. Dried onions
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To clarify, the items in the first chest are from the monster drop system. The items in the second chest are just random semi-rares cluttering up my junk drawer! Sorry for the confusion.

I'll add a 12 hour timeframe to any offer since I am getting enough interest in some of the items.
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Very impressive bids. Glass mugs used to spawn in Magincia I believe...
well i tried to buy a set from another person a few months back but they didnt want to sell. and i wont miss out on these.
i know these are way over priced but hey, what else is there to spend my money on


well i tried to buy a set from another person a few months back but they didnt want to sell. and i wont miss out on these.
i know these are way over priced but hey, what else is there to spend my money on

Guess it depends on what you're into, I suppose ;)


well i tried to buy a set from another person a few months back but they didnt want to sell. and i wont miss out on these.
i know these are way over priced but hey, what else is there to spend my money on
*cough* Me...


Apparently ended....he contacted me to buy since bidders "backed out" then msged me again saying he sold to the next highest bidder. Maybe I'm not reading the posting right here......
I sure missed a lot while being at work.

And yes I'm looking for this drop still of silly glasses on a board.
