Missing MP3s?


Certain areas (I suspect custom music, maybe?) will freeze my client, with a warning dialogue "Failed to open file C:\Games\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Classic\MUSIC\DIGITAL\Bleh.mp3: Error 2" for instance. Clicking okay, will refocus the client, and unfreeze, while the normal music for the area plays. Wind and the Newbie dungeon are two examples I have found.

My question is, with some tinkering, I've discovered it's due to the config.txt file. However, I can't really make heads nor tails of why it's giving me the errors it is, and why it isn't giving me the same errors (but, different ones) with some editing. If anybody has any insights as to how I can correct this problem, I'd appreciate it!

FWIW I installed a "classic" mp3 set, from IPY, which I found on these forums, and it gives SIGNIFICANTLY less errors than the "official" one.

"Official" being EA, not UOF which won't install since I have the Live client.


Figured it out - sort of. "Bleh3.mp3" = Bleh.mp3, in slot 23 in the config. Why it says Bleh3 instead of Bleh.mp3 23 or Bleh23 I don't know!

By default Yew1 is in that slot (and is also bugged with the message Yew1.mp3)