Miner Macro Question


Good Afternoon my fellow smiths and miners. I am adjusting my mining macro, having removed my recalls, etc from it. I'm starting to use a pack horse again, and fairly effective, but I've got one bit of frustration: emptying the pack horse.

This is what slows me down. Is there a means to leverage an organizer to move from the Pack Horse to intended container?


So basically you're trying to use the pack horse as a restock bag and then use an organizer to put the ore into an intended container with Razor. That is an interesting idea certainly! Well, as you know you can't use a pack horse on UOF as a restock container although you could restock from a bag in his backpack from what I recall anyway. We also don't have the drop command unfortunately so you can't do some sort of drop/scavenge macro either. I suppose you could use stealing on your pack horse (lol) to get the ore and then organize it where you want. But because of the layers that exist in UO that Razor is unable to detect (your backpack vs another player's, or pet's or w/e's backpack) I'm not sure how else you could do it on Razor.


you're basically wrote what i experimented with today. i gave up for the time being. will think through it more.