Meta Pets 7lvl + Meta Stone, no relic


1 Dragon Egg -1.2m
2 Meta Stone - 2.550m(170k)
3 7lvl -?
How much can you sell. Interested in the time spent on pumping. Or the whole amount for him.



8mil for time and effort maybe....

how long did it take you from lvl 1 to lvl 7 ?
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i would say about 3.5m - 4m.. max 5m (if u're lucky). may seem low but:

- egg price is not correct. it may have costed u that when u bought it.. now it's more like 8-900k
- time spent leveling has yet to be honored on a sale.
- time spent leveling is somewhat irrelevant as u'd be spending a lot of time still to level the relics
- without relics the meta is worse than a good death beetle (and has heavy control issues even with 120/120)

actually i'd say that a lvl 5 without relics would be more valuable than a lvl 7 without relics.. (no control issues, and "a goal to look forward" and keep you going, no skillloss issue as skills raise again when it evolves)


Yeah that's pretty incorrect.

Unfortunately by leveling to 7 you narrowed down your market considerably. There could only be a few people interested in this. Lvl 6 is probably the sweet spot. Larger market for sure.

I'd buy a level 6 with a stone, will be looking for one sometime soon probably.


i'm surprised..

there have been lvl 7 metas with all 4 (leveled) relics at 20m...

if u think a meta without any relic is worth 5-7m, how much would u value the relics at?

honestly u can easily get
- 7m of quicksilver
- 5m of molten
- 4m of bloody and nox

for a total of 20m...

that would put the value of a stage 7 with all lvl 1 relics at 25-27m. but stage 7s with leveled relics sell for 20m.. is this sympathy because the dude had the balls to level a meta to stage 7 without any relic?

are u really trying to say its the relics that de-value a meta and not the leveling itself?


i'm surprised..

there have been lvl 7 metas with all 4 (leveled) relics at 20m...

if u think a meta without any relic is worth 5-7m, how much would u value the relics at?

honestly u can easily get
- 7m of quicksilver
- 5m of molten
- 4m of bloody and nox

for a total of 20m...

that would put the value of a stage 7 with all lvl 1 relics at 25-27m. but stage 7s with leveled relics sell for 20m.. is this sympathy because the dude had the balls to level a meta to stage 7 without any relic?

are u really trying to say its the relics that de-value a meta and not the leveling itself?
I remember charcoal lvl 7 all relics maxxed at 35m. It was by $ guild and i think it was underpriced cause ppl just have problems going broke and prefer to balance continuosly. Relics drop rates+taming droprates+growing costs on dono cool items have fucked badly oldest and newest players bank. But if you save all for meta without fuck yourself with pixels and poker, it will take 3-6 months to get a very good pet.
Then ppl who spend 7mil for a pair of sandals maybe could spend 8 to get this one and a cool colour egg and banksit or poker with a lvl 7 saving 15-20 mil :)