Duck Face
That's great for you guys that have the time and lifestyle to travel in packs/guilds but what about us solo guys.... shouldn't we also have an opportunity to get end game content?!?!
Honestly, that my only issue with the way things are set up.... anything worth getting is only obtainable through group play and or donations. I'm not saying make it easy but at least give us solo guys a chance to get some of that end game stuff!! Otherwise what's left in the game for us?
Well they put meta eggs on event score which is solo. Relics you can get in guard zone at invasions solo. Arch demon can be soloed. Champs shouldn't be done solo, but I guess you could try to sneak into one. Idk I think there is plenty of solo opportunity out there. I wasn't part of a guild for like the first 14 months here and I did fine.