I use your rune library, I've seen new players getting walked around by you guys. Im sure you boot them if they dont turn out how you thought they were. How is that any different from anyone else? These guilds are looking for a certain type of person. If they arent a team player, active, a troll, involved in group activities etc... they will get kicked, Ive seen it happen. Team oriented guilds attempting to experience the entire game. If the argument is "try to better the server as a whole" then you cannot fault these guilds for attempting to get new players to stick around.
Besides the light RP part you just described 90% of guilds on this server, or at the very least, the exact guilds this thread is talking about.
For example, TRIN - Free City of Trinsic, is a tight knight, family oriented guild, who is selective in recruitment. We house mostly casuals, we dabble in all activities, but we don't really focus on any one activity like RDA's, or Champs, or more generically PvP, or PvM, we do a little bit of all of it. We are a light RP guild, our stance is generally on the side of good, we actively help new players, and oppose reds, we look to support and foster a healthy community, with a variety of entities in it. If you are a hardcore player, this guild probably isn't for you. We do everything, but we've defined the type of player we are looking for.
Besides the light RP part you just described 90% of guilds on this server, or at the very least, the exact guilds this thread is talking about.
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