WTS Mango's BOD Selling Thread


All 20x Exceptional Cloth & Leather BODs are priced at 50%! (2500gp) until Saturday!

Get your crafting on! ^_^



20x Exceptional Shadow Plate Helmet. - Reward: 120 Blacksmithing Powerscroll
20x Exceptional Shadow Plate Arms. - Reward: 120 Blacksmithing Powerscroll
20x Exceptional Shadow Plate Gloves. - Reward: 120 Blacksmithing Powerscroll


20x Exceptional Shadow Plate Helmet. - Reward: 120 Blacksmithing Powerscroll
20x Exceptional Shadow Plate Arms. - Reward: 120 Blacksmithing Powerscroll
20x Exceptional Shadow Plate Gloves. - Reward: 120 Blacksmithing Powerscroll

All 20x Exceptional Cloth & Leather BODs are priced at 50%! (2500gp) until Saturday!


20x Exceptional Shadow Plate Helmet. - Reward: 120 Blacksmithing Powerscroll
20x Exceptional Shadow Plate Arms. - Reward: 120 Blacksmithing Powerscroll
20x Exceptional Shadow Plate Gloves. - Reward: 120 Blacksmithing Powerscroll

Get that 120 PS!

20 new BODs have been added


morning bump!

Blacksmith Small Bulk Order Deeds:
10x Exceptional Agapite Platemail Gorget. - Reward: Agapite Runic Hammer
20x Exceptional Agapite Ringmail Gloves. - Reward: 120 Blacksmithing Powerscroll
20x Exceptional Shadow Plate Gorget. - Reward: 120 Blacksmithing Powerscroll
20x Exceptional Shadow Plate Arms. - Reward: 120 Blacksmithing Powerscroll
20x Exceptional Shadow Plate Gloves. - Reward: 120 Blacksmithing Powerscroll
10x Exceptional Gold Chainmail Tunic. - Reward: 120 Blacksmithing Powerscroll
15x Exceptional Copper Plate Gloves. - Reward: 120 Blacksmithing Powerscroll
10x Exceptional Copper Chainmail Legs. - Reward: 115 Blacksmithing Powerscroll
20x Exceptional Shadow Ringmail Gloves. - Reward: Bronze Runic Hammer
...and countless more!

Tailor Small Bulk Order Deeds:

20x Exceptional Horned Leather Gloves. - Reward: Tier 5 Rare Cloth & Rare Sandals or Barbed Runic Kit
20x Exceptional Horned Bone Gloves. - Reward: Tier 5 Rare Cloth & Rare Sandals or Barbed Runic Kit
20x Exceptional Spined Leather Gorget. - Reward: Tier 5 Rare Cloth & Rare Sandals
20x Exceptional Spined Female Leather Armor. - Reward: Tier 5 Rare Cloth & Rare Sandals
20x Exceptional Spined Leather Tunic. - Reward: Tier 5 Rare Cloth & Rare Sandals
20x Exceptional Spined Leather Shorts. - Reward: Tier 5 Rare Cloth & Rare Sandals
20x Exceptional Spined Leather Bustier. - Reward: Tier 5 Rare Cloth & Rare Sandals
20x Exceptional Spined Bone Leggings. - Reward: Tier 5 Rare Cloth & Rare Sandals
20x Exceptional Spined Bone Gloves. - Reward: Tier 5 Rare Cloth & Rare Sandals

20x Exceptional Cloth / Leather. Only 6k - Reward: Tier 4 Rare Cloth & Rare Sandals
...and countless more!


The Crafting Gods of UOF haven't been kind, however we were able to throw up a nice new 10 piece ex bronze plate bod. woot woot!


added: 15x Exceptional Copper Chainmail Legs. - Reward: 115 Blacksmithing Powerscroll

Also added several Spined leather BODs.
