I wonder if there's any reason to have 22% magery for anything other than Recalling, or any other utility for the 0-50 range, that one could train or re-train depending on the situation, with the same char.
Or if any of the buffing and adversary de-buff spells are of any use in PvM (or even PvP) in the 0-50 range.
A T-hunter
16 mag / 50 resist
medium level maps with caster
bring non-bonded packhorse for a series of lvl 1/2 maps
50 mag
(when u dont have a vet char, its hard to keep a stock of bonded packs hehehe)
Or a Provo
farm on spell casters
16 Magery / 50 resist
farm on tough non-casters
50 magery / use paralyze while waiting for the 10s provo colldown
An axxor PvPer using paralyze?
paralyzation lasts for (caster Eval Int/10) -(target Resist/10) * 3 seconds = does that result in minimum 3sec?
Or if any of the buffing and adversary de-buff spells are of any use in PvM (or even PvP) in the 0-50 range.
Magery 1 %
( Success Rate )
Circle INT Min Skill Book Scroll
First 4 0.1 47 100 ???
Second 6 0.1 12 82 ???
Third 9 10.1 0 47 teleport
Fourth 11 24.1 0 12 can you recall at all ???
Magery 16 %
( Success Rate )
Circle INT Min Skill Book Scroll
First 4 0.1 85 100
Second 6 0.1 50 100
Third 9 10.1 15 85
Fourth 11 24.1 0 50 Minimally usable Recall ??
Fifth 14 38.1 0 15
Magery 22 %
( Success Rate )
Circle INT Min Skill Book Scroll
First 4 0.1 100 100
Second 6 0.1 65 100
Third 9 10.1 30 100 Teleport away from death
Fourth 11 24.1 0 65 fairly usable Recall
Fifth 14 38.1 0 30 with patience you can have a Blade Spirits buddy
Magery 36 %
( Success Rate )
Circle INT Min Skill Book Scroll
First 4 0.1 100 100
Second 6 0.1 100 100
Third 9 10.1 65 100
Fourth 11 24.1 30 100 Recall escape, Gheal 19hp, Archcure vs DP weapons?
Fifth 14 38.1 0 65 paralyze as desperate move?
Sixth 20 52.1 0 30 Invisibility with some effort?
Magery 50 %
( Success Rate )
Circle INT Min Skill Book Scroll
First 4 0.1 100 100
Second 6 0.1 100 100
Third 9 10.1 100 100
Fourth 11 24.1 65 100 Gheal average 25hp
Fifth 14 38.1 30 100 worthless relfection ?
Sixth 20 52.1 0 65 usable Invisibility, any chance of Reveal vs GM hiders?
Seventh 40 66.1 0 30 Gate Travel packhorse if you have the mana?
A T-hunter
16 mag / 50 resist
medium level maps with caster
bring non-bonded packhorse for a series of lvl 1/2 maps
50 mag
(when u dont have a vet char, its hard to keep a stock of bonded packs hehehe)
Or a Provo
farm on spell casters
16 Magery / 50 resist
farm on tough non-casters
50 magery / use paralyze while waiting for the 10s provo colldown
An axxor PvPer using paralyze?
paralyzation lasts for (caster Eval Int/10) -(target Resist/10) * 3 seconds = does that result in minimum 3sec?