I have a foundation set up for this now .. So if you can make me a keeper list and give me an idea of how you would like them sorted / separted amoungst books / containers (IE how many books , junk toss container, bod books for each ore / leather type , whatever you like)
for exsample more :
Bods that contribute to reward val hammer go into "Smity book A"
Bods that contribute to T5 cloth go into "Tailor Book D"
so give me a list that looks like this
Large 20 excp Val Plate >>into book>> "Smity book A"
Small 15 excp Barbed Bone Chest >>into book>> "Tailor Book D"
Now you dont need to sort it like in my exsample.. what ever way you think is best for sorting thats cool. ill just need to know how many Books or containers we need . and what bods go into what book ( BOD >>into book >> "the bod book").
* Also I will included your name in the credits for assisting with the creation of this Macro*
for exsample more :
Bods that contribute to reward val hammer go into "Smity book A"
Bods that contribute to T5 cloth go into "Tailor Book D"
so give me a list that looks like this
Large 20 excp Val Plate >>into book>> "Smity book A"
Small 15 excp Barbed Bone Chest >>into book>> "Tailor Book D"
Now you dont need to sort it like in my exsample.. what ever way you think is best for sorting thats cool. ill just need to know how many Books or containers we need . and what bods go into what book ( BOD >>into book >> "the bod book").
* Also I will included your name in the credits for assisting with the creation of this Macro*