I'd love to see them do something with Forensic Evaluation. I thought I heard this skill was used back in the day to detect thieves... not sure if that is true or not?
Thieves and corpses wasn't it? To see what killed a player?
Lastly I don't mean to bash on Tamers (I really don't if that's your play style great)
I just want to point out that metas and talismans where ment to extend end game content. For something to do once you reached your pinnacle. I think "some" of the issue lies in players that are really not at "end game" trying to play as if they are. Hell I am far from end game even myself. But the prices/rewards are based on someone that has been there and done that and has nothing left to spend gold on. This is an unstable game play for people not at this level which is why you have alot of animosity.
Metas are not needed per say as in you can't do anything without them. It is something you the player have to assume the risk of.