Losing 1/2 kills in stat loss

Don Key

I just don't see why it isn't a short term / long term kill count. Let stat loss be based on the short term counts and let reds rack up their long term counts.


Don't die.
You're bitching about losing kill counts from miners and noobs (admittedly)0

Read the post again. Trust me, I'm one of the nicest reds you'll meet. Ask any of the ppl I've pkd and ressed up and even gone as far as helping retrieve their corpse. The fun for me is getting the kill before they recall. Now if you drop a taming ss on your corpse, you best believe I'm guna recall out with it.

I'm not one to kill afk ppl or miners. I might have said I was going to in my post but I still can't bring myself to do it. Just no fun...

Ppl gonna hate regardless of how logical the original post was.
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