WTS Level 4 meta pet + meta ball (If nobody buys it tonight, I will be taking this off the market. )


I think some of the people, with the gold, were the players that had enough time to get them through events (me). But yeah I havent leveled mine much.. such a bore. I don't blame you for selling it. Between this boring grind and 4 hour idocs, just a boring thing lately


Once the damaging meta relics hit the forums I'd imagine they will go for 4 mill each. Hasn't been any since the eggs were handed out


Once the damaging meta relics hit the forums I'd imagine they will go for 4 mill each. Hasn't been any since the eggs were handed out
wrong, they are still being sold but to friends or guildies. but yes not many out there


Well i'm not wrong, cause when sold to friends or guildies they are not hitting the forums... Like I said... :D

Radar Mile

As a side note there is no way to tell if a relic is on the pet or how much xp on current level or on relic so a little faith would be involved in a sale with those factors but as this acution is for a lvl4 no xp and no relics it is safe to bid away.

I think the way around this is to trade the stone first. Anyone who uses it can see the stats of the pet it's attached to. And once the stone is traded who is going to want to go buy another one? They'll follow through at that point