lethal poison?


Why? Tamers can use death beetles that lethal poison in PVP -- why allow tamers to be OP in PVP when theyre already OP in PvE?
You gotta think about how fast something would be with a ton of dexterity like pets :) - that coming from someone who has been dirtnapped by pets numerous times :) I agree though All guard is op


Are relics and talisman blessed?
What are they exactly and what do they do?
How can I get one?
talisman is blessed, and bound to the character you do the quest on, relics are not blessed, but once you use them on the talisman you can't lose them, there are 3 different talismans and quite a few relics to apply to each

Here is the thread showing how to get the talisman it self: http://uoforum.com/threads/talisman-of-power-quest.51696/

This thread explains the relics: http://uoforum.com/threads/meta-dexxer-talisman-relic-definitions.52271/