Lethal Poison ********


Hand of God

Thanks for pointing out the correct lvls of poison.. I was gonna leave i but I'm glad it's out there. I also don't know what this talk of modified cures or whatever is.

The point I was trying to make is that if a dexxor has GM poisoning and has applied dp to his/her weapon, they have not only a 40% chance of inflicting on EACH hit, they also have a chance of inflicting one poison lvl higher than on their weapon.. Hence lethal poison in pvp. Also hence gcure pots can't cure it and hence the spell cure from a GM Mage is needed to successfully cure it sometimes or arch cure to cure it most of the time.

Where do you guys get this? Please go back and read patch notes, there is no chance to deal LP with poisoning skill on this server.


Jesus Christ the crying is so strong here the past couple months. Instead of adapting to our server everyone wants to fucking change it. I bet the Dev. Team just loves hearing pissing and moaning all the time on a shard they provide to you for free.

Karl Sagan

Jesus Christ the crying is so strong here the past couple months. Instead of adapting to our server everyone wants to fucking change it. I bet the Dev. Team just loves hearing pissing and moaning all the time on a shard they provide to you for free.

Look maybe you didn't read the OP but someone died. Died of poison. Repeatedly.

Maybe if they would just make it so people never died, then people could adapt.

Kinda makes you think, huh?