'Leave House' -- The runners dream


Ok so here is my problem and solution... The 'leave house' option is overly exploited in PvP, to the point where I am actually posting about it on the forums... which is rare. The amount of people that use this in pvp battles to escape is ridiculous, I know its bad when I am having to resort to lame stuff like this just trying to keep up. Given this is a no stam/bola server this needs to be changed, at the very least it needs a somewhat significant timer... I mean seriously when is the last time you legit needed to use leave house more than once inside 3-5 minutes ever? I understand why the option is there, but some people choose to abuse it. Either get rid of the option all-together (which I am somewhat opposed to), or preferably put a somewhat stiff timer on it.

Feedback appreciated, if you decide to flame me = you obviously use this to your advantage.


Agreed. Hasn't been used against me a great deal because I don't do much open world PvP (I'll be singing a different tune when I get into factions I'm sure) but I've seen what people can do with it. It's pretty lame.

Maybe a cooldown would help.


This is easily countered by "can't beat em, join em". Make the macro also.. If you can't keep up with it that's your bad.


Agreed. Hasn't been used against me a great deal because I don't do much open world PvP (I'll be singing a different tune when I get into factions I'm sure) but I've seen what people can do with it. It's pretty lame.

Maybe a cooldown would help.

Trust me once you get into factions you will see how broken it is...

I am sure some people will say 'well I am just using whats available to me' - that's fine, I understand where they are coming from when you are always striving to +1 your opponent by any means necessary. We also need to remember that the 'era' of this shard didn't have custom houses, and no 'leave house' option obviously. I die a little inside every time I come up against someone using this and have to hit my macro.


I think it's hilarious. I've seen a few "LOL"ing while 4 guys try to gank the single red and can't get the kill in. It's especially funny when they are running north and hit the back of an 18x18 plot and run south right after doing it and have a huge jump on the group. It's just plain funny to me.

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