WTS Klompin Klub! Orc Event rare drop


3 hours to go

The question was whether I would take dono as well, and there is actually a few items I will give value to.

Dono at 175k per 1k
Blue event Crystal's at 325k each
Bloody talons at 4m if we ever get that crazy
Max storage real estate will be evaluated on a per location basis, which is again if we ever get that crazy


Considering it's been up for almost a week I'm going to shorten it to 24 after last bid or midnight tomorrow night if no other bids. I believe there's been enough exposure that those that are interested are aware of the auction going on.

If it continues to go on for awhile after that I will reduce the last bid timer more.


I'm also going to go ahead and set a soft end time for this auction of Thursday, 6/14 @ midnight EST (So technically Wednesday night for some of you) After that point, a bid will only increment the auction 5 minutes, just to give a bit of protection against snipers.

Any questions lemme know


no it's not, still running till tonight, with degs in the lead

Auction will end @ midnight if there are no other bids
If there are other bids before midnight, it will only extend the auction 24 hours instead of the original 48 since this has been open for so long.
Auction will end Thursday, 6/14 @ midnight (so technically wednesday night for some of you) if bidding continues to extend the duration. At that point, auction duration is only increased 5 minutes for each bid (i.e. if you bid right @ 11:59pm, auction will end @ 12:04 am unless someone counters)

Hope this clears it up

Current auction lead is Degs @ 1.8m