Kegs Pricing


First timer setting up a vendor.

Gonna try to sell filled kegs, whats the avarage rate on the kegs and wich kegs are the best selling ones?

Gheal - ?
Gcure - ?
GAgi - ?
Gstr - ?
GRef - ?
Gexp - ?
Gpois or Dpois, Will both sell or only Dpoi? and to what price?



3 - 3.5 gheal, gcure gref
2 - 2.5 gagi astr
4500 - 5500 - grexplode
gp 2500
dp 12K I seen them lower so you call really.
The deciding factor is going to be if you are buying reg at faction cost and if your making them at the brit crafting area.
Also are you making your own kegs, supplying your own wood, so the more cost cutting the lower you could go. but I sell between those ranges.


Crafting area reduces costs by 10 percent, and yes but you have to join factions and know where the faction vendors are placed.

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