Kareem the Troll


Haha I thought you had been going off the deep end a bit lately. It's O.K. though we all take the plunge every now and again.

I had my moment in the sun. Wreckognize spends every minute of every day in the realm of in-fucking-sanity. Old azz is back to his old form of spewing bullshit left and right. Babethoven has 100% lost his shit, officially.

Just another day of UOF foruming.

And we have some fresh meat! We've had some pretty entertaining newcomers lately. Give them a chance to make asses of themselves, guys.


I've only seen Babetoven at 1 IDOC while back when he was in $shit$ or some guild like that and did nothing but piss people off being the mighty keyboard warrior that he is, and they all killed him over and over even when he brought friends - I found it to be quite hilarious. But seeing him on the forums I can understand why nobody likes him because he has lost his shit.



poor blowmista, im sorry you have a big scar from where your blown out chocolate starfish used to be, sewn it shut????? Be glad to bust it back open for ya!

hood.......*sigh* how many of you 1 hit wonders are there? ...wait is this how i should talk actually....

did i do good?

i'd like to end this comment on the note...... i must have amnesia because I can't remember when POWER actually took a loss against the shard, a stat or 2 isn't a loss for us, I know its like winning the World Series or Super Bowl for about 95% of you kid tram scrubs out there and last but not least, personally just ME on my own, NOT including ANY guild mates, I'd personally like to thank all of you over this past about 2-3 weeks for making me about 15Mill richer just from raids Much Thx and hope to see yall out in the field...... not forums field, kthx


I've only seen Babetoven at 1 IDOC while back when he was in $shit$ or some guild like that and did nothing but piss people off being the mighty keyboard warrior that he is, and they all killed him over and over even when he brought friends - I found it to be quite hilarious. But seeing him on the forums I can understand why nobody likes him because he has lost his shit.

i love this, it's like full of emotions and stuff

very powerful


I think it all started between POWA (think hellllllllla Asian accent) and Babe before they were together and just resorted to calling names via mostly rants and flames forums - WHICH ARE AMAZING BTW - Blowmista, Trammelista? Been playing other games now and I only come back to check the forums just to catch 'this just in' bouts between these guys. Oh - and to help Karl Sagan vpn farm likes. Outside perspective from a casual. Double Oh - Kareem your post has been officially derailed.


I've never had any problems with Babe, even thou we are in competing guilds that fight each other nightly. He's always honored deals and been a chill dude. He even honored a sphinx statue deal with me after he joined Power. The deal was drawn up between us while he was in $.


I think what we all need in our UO lives is a lil bit of FAMARA. All together guys, WE MISS YOU BUDDY!! For the new comers on this server, Famara was a hot shot tamer who controlled pretty much ever spawn but especially the coveted nightbear.


Famara left to play LoL when Babe left $$$. Shortly after those 2 exited $, myself and Tony quit. Earl and Big Wyrm held the guild down for awhile and recruited new members who still play today. Famara considered coming back because of Meta pets. Famara was amazing at controlling whatever the fuck he wanted.