Just Returned.... Help A Newbie Farmer Out

Haven't played UOF in a couple years now i have a Tamer/Provoker with Dragon/WW and a few other pets... I have 120 taming lore I am trying to find out about these Meta Dragons are they the best to use now a days....

As far as farming area's whats the best thing I can do at the moment for Gold per hour that I can solo alone


A maxxed out Meta will indeed outperform regular pets. But they take quite a bit of time and investment to get the ball rolling. They are meant to be end-game. You'll need a meta egg, a meta stone (so you can track progress and apply relics), a pet summoning ball (to summon them in case your pets gets trapped), and meta relics (the meat and potatoes that separate it from regular pets). It will eventually pay off but it is a sizable investment. So you'll have to decide if you want to pay the time and gold to make that happen. I just didn't have the patience and sold mine half way through level 3. But they are indeed badass.

Farming spots probably haven't changed all that much. Balrons are always good. Some new dungeon levels were added: deceit 5, shame 5, for example. The mobs in those areas drop high gold but are also ridden with PK's.

Shadow wyrms and ancient wyrms are great for gold and can drop skill scrolls.

Mobs that drop skill scrolls are always valuable, since those are fairly easy to sell and have the potential to drop a Taming SS, which sells for 250k right now. I won't list them here but there are threads about which mobs have good drop rates if you do a search.

If you have a treasure hunter, deviously drawn maps are a great way to solo a bunch of higher level mobs - and get flush with good armor and regs.


Best option to save and buy a level 6 or 7 meta. Usually you will get them at the same cost of the relics/egg/stone and the leveling done for free.