Inscription Tweak/Bonus Ability


This is an idea for PvM which would give a use to slayer instruments and improve slayer market.

I'm suggesting that a gm scribe could have the ability to make a spell book into a slayer spellbook for a brief period, say 2 hours, by combining a blank scroll with a slayer instrument or weapon which would create a slayer scroll which you would then drop onto any spell book and it would make that book a slayer for a brief time, 1-2 hours, as mentioned and wears off on death.

This would create a sink for the extra instruments and spark a use for scribes outside of just macroing recall and fs scrolls for vendor sales.

By keeping short duration and death restriction it would not devalue existing slayer books as investment in temporary books would be high.


No way can you do a slayer spellbook but if you wanted to talk about a 120 scribe PS and crafting scrolls that have slayer properties. once you place them in a book slayer is gone.


a slayer instrument is basically garbage unless its a super slayer. combining one of those with 1 blank scroll to turn book into a slayer is way to OP everyone would have slayer spellbook and you could cast endless spells. where as a scroll would have to be rebought every single spell. if you want a slayer book for 2 hours its gonna cost more than some garbage item and a scroll.


That's the point. To give for the instruments that just sit.

Make the time 1 hour and goes away upon death.

You're using up an instrument or a weapon so that's removed from the aggregate. People would be crafting like crazy which would boost the mining economy, blank scrolls would be being bought up which would sink more gold. And there's a finite number of casts per hour so there's nothing op vs a weapon that you can keep forever.

Also, the instruments would be used up within a week or two and become way less common and therefore expensive, giving another facet to the economy of the server. And again it's PvM. There are spawn timers and finite mana pools, killing mobs a little faster doesn't add to the gold pool overall due to the spawn timers...


+1 I really like this idea.

Even OSI added slayer spellbooks to add balance to Mage-based PvE.

I think the short-lived nature of the slayer attribute is what makes this idea a winner. I can understand how having too many perma-slayer spellbooks might be a bit much. Then every PvP mage, every provoker, every tamer, anyone with magery, will just have all of the slayer spellbooks sitting in their pack, ready to use whenever. At that point, double mage damage just becomes the new standard mage damage in PvE.

But if it only lasts, let's say, one hour and it's not cheap or easy to apply, then you have to make a real investment in the slayer attribute. And you have to make deliberate use of it for the short duration. You have to say to yourself "okay I'm going to apply Slayer X and farm spots Y and Z for the next hour" or "I'm going to do this champ on my Mage, so I'll apply the appropriate slayer." And even then, there's no guarantee the investment will pay off. If the market for one of these scrolls is 15K, for example, and you don't make an extra 15K more than what you normally make, then your investment didn't pay off. There's a risk.

The only adjustment I would make is to allow anyone to apply the scroll, not just scribe mages. But scribe mages have to make the scroll.


Another thought is that applying the slayer scroll could temporarily unbless the spellbook (while the slayer attribute is active). So rather than having it wear off on death, the spell book drops on your body. So it balances the risk to match a warrior's weapon. And it can be looted/stolen just like a weapon. But if you die, you can recover it and use out the remaining time.


Another thought is that applying the slayer scroll could temporarily unbless the spellbook (while the slayer attribute is active). So rather than having it wear off on death, the spell book drops on your body. So it balances the risk to match a warrior's weapon. And it can be looted/stolen just like a weapon. But if you die, you can recover it and use out the remaining time.
I already suggested slayer property goes away upon death.