Idol of the Magi provides spell damage bonuses in exchange for an armor penalty. The penalty is 1.6% per AR. The distance penalty is 5% per tile beyond 1.5 tiles. The ten levels of the talisman average 20% bonus per level.
So maybe I'm just too tired right now for this to make sense to me but is it the more armor and further away I am the less bonus dmg I do or is it, the more armor I have and the further away I am the more bonus dmg I do.
Sorry for some reason my IQ points are struggling to make a fire out of this one.
Thanks for the help.
So maybe I'm just too tired right now for this to make sense to me but is it the more armor and further away I am the less bonus dmg I do or is it, the more armor I have and the further away I am the more bonus dmg I do.
Sorry for some reason my IQ points are struggling to make a fire out of this one.
Thanks for the help.