

Just a question, Idocs are no longer 10 hours and 5 min cause an idoc dropped 2 hours earlier this morning. Only curious so I know not to stay up etc expecting things to drop certain times. I'll respect the change but yeah a confirmation would be nice is all :)
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Adam said in IRC that he is going to be posting a patch notes update tomorrow, So hopefully it will have everything in there.

Uh oh... Hang on a moment...

*Erects a store with a hastily painted banner with the following message attached to a notice board*

*Welcome To Darkarna's store of weather protection, weather being anything related to water. Here you will find all your water-proofing needs at the most competitive prices around, so come and see exactly why you can be free, from a potential Sosaria changing deluge of regular and irregular types of water.*

Protection Types : Salt and Fresh water, bodily fluids also.
Colors :
We Provide Any Color At No Extra Cost.

It is not all doom and gloom though, using one of our patented designs, you can be assured of the highest quality products with a lifetime guarantee and also as a gesture of good will, you will also be put into our counselling mailing list for any additional mental health requirements at a cost of 50,000 gold pieces AFTER the first session which, unbelievably is FREE!!!.

So, after all the excitement from learning about us, it is HIGH time to reveal what we actually sell, so I proudly present :

UMBRELLA : 100,000 gold pieces
An item worth more than its weight in gold. This item will protect you from showers from nature and copious amounts of tears raining from places above such a Britain Bank. With its patented, anti-blow out design (When winds blow, umbrellas turn inside out and can be ruined) you can also be assured that you will find comfort in knowing that winds and wails will have no effect on your prized umbrella. *Insurance can be taken out for this product at 10,000 gold pieces a week.*

PARKA / ANORAK : 150,000 gold pieces
What would bad weather be like without one of these beauties. Superior protection against all types of salt and rain water with the ADDED protection of mucus protection. When someone hits the stage of hysterical, it can almost be certain that projectile boogers/snot balls/mucus trails will be ejected in a fan like fashion. With its anti-stick properties, those little nasty's will bounce right off or slide harmlessly down without any form of residue left behind. A great addition when walking through a mass-hystericalized *made it up* group of people who are collectively crying for their country.

BOOTS : 75,000 gold pieces
Last but not least are our patented boots of fluid protection. Not only do they provide protection from water based horrors, they also give the wearer a sense of pride and a comfort like no other. These boots are perfectly combined with the other items above giving the wearer added protection from a condition known as rageisitis, a condition where the sufferer becomes ignited, glows an ominous red color while puffing their cheeks up to make them look more intimidating, you will be protected if you purchase all three!!! *Insurance can be taken out for this product at 10,000 gold pieces a week.*

New items will be added if the demand increases or when some other changes potentially change the way people think from a positive attitude to a damn right negative attitude. Requests are being taken for other items, so don't be a stranger, provide for the greater good by adding your ideas to combat mass-sorrow if and when it appears.

**Insurance is paid weekly at 10,000 gold pieces, if at all any of the items break, you will need to provide proof that the item was not maliciously broken with the intent on defrauding the insurance company. Proof such as pictures, video recordings are viable as long as the source can be verified as legitimate and no editing software was used. Insurance payouts can take up to a year to be released. No refunds.**

This is nothing but a mock up and holds absolutely no weight in truth whatsoever. IF you consider purchasing false items then you are running the risk of becoming scammed and although this entire post is based around a somewhat sick sense of humor, you should be very aware that these type of things can and will catch people out and cause a massive sense of depression. I take NO responsibility whatsoever for any damages caused from posts similar to this. IF YOU CAN NOT UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCE FROM TRUTH VS FICTION, YOU DESERVE TO GET SCAMMED and have no one else to blame but yourself. Registered Trademark - 1234567890 bullshit enterprises.

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