Hunting "Evil" Monsters for Talisman Quest isnt working! Help!


So the problem I am having is, sometimes when I kill an monster I get the charge for my Stone, and other times I get nothing. Even if its the EXACT same monster and situation as when I gained the first one. For example, I killed two poison Elementals in a row and got 2 points, waited till 2 more spawned, killed them and got 0 points... Also some monsters that others say work, have NEVER worked for me. Such as: Liches, Ogre Lords, Deep Earth Eles. Not one has ever given me a valor point toward my stone. I am a 7x Provo Mage, and I always deal as much damage to the mosters as possible, even if they are provoed against eachother.

Young Star

Liches are too low, Liches lords should. Ogre lords should have worked IIRC. Deep EEs are right on the edge and I am guessing the same goes for poison eles. There is a Hp requirement and some mobs fluctuate around that level. Daemons drakes and dragons worked just fine for me. Some say drakes will sometimes spawn under the cut off but I never noticed when I did it.

Arch Enemy

So the problem I am having is, sometimes when I kill an monster I get the charge for my Stone, and other times I get nothing. Even if its the EXACT same monster and situation as when I gained the first one. For example, I killed two poison Elementals in a row and got 2 points, waited till 2 more spawned, killed them and got 0 points... Also some monsters that others say work, have NEVER worked for me. Such as: Liches, Ogre Lords, Deep Earth Eles. Not one has ever given me a valor point toward my stone. I am a 7x Provo Mage, and I always deal as much damage to the mosters as possible, even if they are provoed against eachother.

You know you can't use meta talismans on bards, right?

Anyway as someone else said, the "strong' mobs have a certain hp requirement I guess, and sometimes a monster will spawn with health above or below that hp cutoff. Also you have to deal enough damage to get credit for the kill. Both these things were mentioned in another thread by eppy when someone else asked the same question. Protip: Google whatever you want to search for i'm sure you'll find it


Well, in my experience, if a pet from a player or a song from a bard was reaching the mob, it was not giving me any charges.

Also you should be landing the killing blow.


You know you can't use meta talismans on bards, right?

Anyway as someone else said, the "strong' mobs have a certain hp requirement I guess, and sometimes a monster will spawn with health above or below that hp cutoff. Also you have to deal enough damage to get credit for the kill. Both these things were mentioned in another thread by eppy when someone else asked the same question. Protip: Google whatever you want to search for i'm sure you'll find it

How could I just "not use one" im a mage with provoke. I have the quest, cant I just toss the talisman on once I finish the quest? Mages are already severly undercut in PvM, what the hell would be the point of cutting us off from a talisman just cause we use Provo...

Arch Enemy

How could I just "not use one" im a mage with provoke. I have the quest, cant I just toss the talisman on once I finish the quest? Mages are already severly undercut in PvM, what the hell would be the point of cutting us off from a talisman just cause we use Provo...

You can't equip the talisman if you have more than 50 music or 50 taming. There is a talisman that is made for mages. It's not to prevent mages from using them, it's to prevent bards and tamers from using them because they are already strong farming templates and with a fully maxed mage talisman on top of it they would be ridiculously op in pvm.