How rich are you?

Dwyane Wade

Currently have around 6m in gold across my characters/vendors. As far as items I'd say 100m? Lets just say I wish I could do BOD's irl lol


Mmm i can have 3 mills now and tomorrow be broke lol. My money is reflected on all my characters (fully dressed with bless clothes) and expensive mounts :). Prob i could get around 50+mills if I sell all i have including my keep.

Garet Jax

If I were to guess from gold/super rare clothes/supplies/nice castle on green non marked/ very prime located vendor house/ id guess 150-200 mil easily.

EDIT: We all know however Flube wins by t least 2 fold. Has the guy ever logged out since beta?


So pretty much everyone is well off.

Now to answer Shane's question....please guide the newbies towards this upper class moneymaking techniques.


I have maybe 500k gold total. a couple mil in items. So i guess middle class.
I make money mostly in PvE and treasure hunting.... but still building the skills to higher end.


Maybe 200k across all 3 acc but decent custom houses on each maybe 1.5mill in items 2 depending on market buy I always feel broke haha. I just farm t hunt and sell every pc of anything I can lol down to the last ruby hahaha