Regardless, it functions in this way, and by design. There are two problems with making excuses for this kind of thing...
1. It goes against the rules of this shard, which explicitly state that players may not trap NPCs or monsters in a house. So in order to allow pet-trapping, you also have to allow mob trapping. Because clearly, nobody can tell the difference.
2. It degrades the game for other players, by taking MOBs out of the spawns ppl are farming. That house is always full of spawn ppl can't get at, and it is that way by *design* -regardless of so-called "intent."
While you're worried about "fairly judging intent," it continues to functionally serve as a MOB TRAPPING HOUSE. I've never once seen a pet trapped in there, which means it functionally serves as a mob trap 99.9% of the time. Trapping mobs in houses is against the rules.
You can't rely on people's intentions in this game anyway. If they can dual use their houses for breaking the rule on MOB trapping with plausible deniability, they'll grief the world doing exactly that.