I like the House storage increase deeds and a great idea for a gold sink.
However, And / Or...
What if a new "Magic Chest" item was added to Gold sink or Dono vendor (or both) .
This chest would be just like any other chest and can hold a max of 125 items like chests currently do, its function would be identical to current chests in every way. But with one exception when locked down (and only when locked down) the chest would count as only 1 item .. these chests would be relatively expensive id say worth 1 to 1.5 mil each in gold. And lets make this treasure chest pure blaze in color, or dyable.
However, And / Or...
What if a new "Magic Chest" item was added to Gold sink or Dono vendor (or both) .
This chest would be just like any other chest and can hold a max of 125 items like chests currently do, its function would be identical to current chests in every way. But with one exception when locked down (and only when locked down) the chest would count as only 1 item .. these chests would be relatively expensive id say worth 1 to 1.5 mil each in gold. And lets make this treasure chest pure blaze in color, or dyable.