House Door


I am curious, can you NOT lock the front door to your house anymore? I was macroing and got whacked by a red... I know in the past you could lock the door with a key, but I am curious what the current system in place is?


Yeah you can lock the door.. I don't have mine locked but if its not with the key then house sign I'm sure.


Just tested this out since I've had my house unlocked always. House needs to be private, dbl click key, target door, its locked. You can go thru it normal cuz you 'quickly lock and unlock the door' automatically. If its not working for you sounds like a bug/wrong key.

I haven't tried it but changing the locks should work. Guessing now that house is private you got it tho.


It is private, but I never got a key; I looked at the security menu and there is nothing there concerning the locks... Its been a while since I have played so please bear with me. Perhaps you have to be on the character that is designated the "owner" of the property. I will try that.


Use the home owner to say "I wish to secure this" and target the door. Make it a security level you want, IE friends, owners, etc, and then only those people can use the door, but if it's open it's accessible by all.

If it's a double door type of house you need to do it on both doors.