
Welcome! Check out the Wiki - link at the top of the page, super helpful!

Couple of things to note here on the server:
Gains are increased by 50% in dungeons, and decreased by 50% in houses, normal everywhere else.
At the Brit Crafting area (brit smithy north of WBB), you'll save rough 20% of your materials.

Also - when it comes to skill gain in general, hopefully will help put what you are seeing in context - your combat skills gain fairly quick, to get you in the game and playing.. Crafting skills take much longer, call them about the medium difficulty in gaining, and a couple of skills like animal taming & poisoning, take far longer to gain...

With that said, it's all much much faster than OSI was!!


Thanks for the tips that will surely help. One more question how or when can i use dull copper shadow iron etc?