Help the knights out, give them a fortress to defend!

Torus Moore

In light of the recent orc victory in defense of their fort, see below:

I think those knights should have their own fortress to defend and I had an idea where it could be. The brigand camp/fort south of Yew on the road is underused and could be a great location. Make the walls and inside stone and replace brigand npcs with knight npcs that attack reds on sight. Of course for the orcs to really utilize the place it should be made a no cut zone. An army of orcs could march down from their fort to the knight fort, hell they can even play a game of capture the flag if the whole valley was no cut.

Just looking for ways the make the RP (And in turn the shard) more fun and exciting.


Bloodgulch style - such a good idea :D

If it wasn't hard to do, turn the inside of the camp into a courtyard, put 4 small towers on each corner and one small keep inside the walls at the back about the same size as the orcs little shack inside their fort; just enough for supplies for battles... Put some battle-worn stone and battlements out there to make a cool battlezone outside... broken wooden blockades, a fire here and there...

No cut zone and if we had ability to lock stuff down like they do; i'm pretty sure you would always find a knight there workin on it or defending it.

I love this idea! Huzzah!

Thanks Torus, hah
o0o0 i know i could get high enough to rp my ass off.. i just.. LOVE... rpn as a dick. ( my posts do well )
l-l-l-l--l-l-l-l-lick my balls


Alright, so add a cannabis silo to the new knight castle to encourage more RP - people are into this castle thing, definitely the castle!!
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I can see this happening but not any time soon. Staff loves to help out RP guilds but only if their actions show that they're here to stay. If the knights guild can keep building upon what they have and not only grow but continue to do player-run events, orc v knight skirmishes, etc, etc, then I'd be willing to bet that staff would help out the knights in the same way they've helped other RP guilds such as the orcs, Trin, PCH, & Paws back in the day (anyone remember the wooden fence surrounding the Paws village? Is that still there?).

With that being said, great suggestion! The brigand camp is nearly useless as brigands aren't worth farming for any reason that I can think of.. A knight's keep-type building close to the orc fort would allow for some exciting RPvP videos and the battles between the two (and maybe the elves? they're around now I guess?) would probably get even more people interested in making a character and picking a side!

On a side note... I think it'd be pretty funny if the orcs used some of their shinies to pay the Golden Gauntlet Mercs more than the knights do... That'd be an interesting turn of events if they planned some kind of insider attack all because of the gold ;)
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Ok so what if we just beefed this place up with some walls and battlements and let us lock knightly lookin stuff down in/around it like the orcs? :D


Instead of re-doing anything, just add to what exists?

P.S. the Orc fort is just West of here, and this is in the no mount zone as well


Would be sweet if they could build a small wall around it with entrances on both sides to still allow the road the go through. Could be a pretty cool barracks where weary travelers could find safety and Knights could gather to try to dispel the orcish hordes and protect the area around it.

This area is really beginning to remind me of Siege Perilous from back in the day. Places like Safe Haven. Where a house and township was actually lived in and people interacted and played within these town borders and tried to Police the area themselves instead of relying on NPC guards.

PS...stey off orc landz oomie scumz!


Yeah if we had something to that affect of control im sure our knights would utilize it and work together toward obtaining things that would benefit the area either strategically or aesthetically. Its the perfect concept and objective for a guild to cooperate for. The orc fort looks awesome with all the orcs have locked down to deco it. Would love to do the same with cool knight pixels!
The is a really nice location and the way its made is pretty nice for holding. Could easily form a line of knights with shields and other knight archers behind it.


The is a really nice location and the way its made is pretty nice for holding. Could easily form a line of knights with shields and other knight archers behind it.
Aye - the Orc Fort "technically" has 2 entrances; one in the front and one in the back.

The one in the back is being blocked with a chest or some other impassable object that was locked down there - don't blame them; fights would not last as long were it open, it was always the end of the battle from my memories.

So there is one entrance into the orc shard fort and the same with the guard bridge here.

I'd say that movable tile space in the orc fort is pretty close to the tile space in the guard bridge as well, conveniently.

All we would need would be walls around it. Lots of trees in the way, but if it's doable I'd settle.

Honestly, I would prefer either the Brigand Fort (but its probly too much of a pain) for size/open ground (not so many trees inside) or the other Guard Bridge right next to the Ridable Wolves (but I think me moving in a whole guild of Knights in their backyard in the valley was a nut shot enough - I wanna stay friends now lol).

If this "idea" were possible in any way, that'd be rad. Until then, we will siege that fort until we clear it! Huzzah! :D


One thing worth noting: location location location. The closer to our green buddies the better :D or we'll also take Lord Blackthorns Castle while hes out mwahaha - make it no cut/no mount/no-recall-in with lockdown rights? Oh that could be awesome too - already no guard zone! Just more thoughts cause of all the damn trees around the guard bridges near the fort..