Help stuck in RDA's

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Disable this, make it like help stuck in champ where you have to page instead of getting the menu to go to a town. Seeing people abuse this to avoid pvping with a dragon egg when the RDA collapses is absurd. Or make it last longer than the time it takes for RDA to collapse.


once again, after i just schooled u in IRC seconds ago...

1. its a ingame mechanic
2. so your just flat out hating on people who use the thing called a brain inside your skull?
3. hiding+ help stuck waiting X? amount of seconds usually ranging from 1-2 minutes, USE your other chars to put up a fight in the time being... is abuse?


wtf is next??

red chars spells do half damage? wtf is the shard coming too man


i've been able to recall out of the devourer one too.

you're not "schooling me" it's pretty obvious it was the same situation with champ spawns, people stucking out with powerscrolls, thats why they changed it?

quit being mad, so what if you used the game mechanics, its unintended, thats why they try to fix you guys logging out in RDA's, thats UNINTENDED

i'd think we're all old enough played enough games to know that "clever use of mechanics" doesnt mean its ok.


1. its a ingame mechanic
2. so your just flat out hating on people who use the thing called a brain inside your skull?
3. hiding+ help stuck waiting X? amount of seconds usually ranging from 1-2 minutes, USE your other chars to put up a fight in the time being... is abuse?



once again, after i just schooled u in IRC seconds ago...

1. its a ingame mechanic
2. so your just flat out hating on people who use the thing called a brain inside your skull?
3. hiding+ help stuck waiting X? amount of seconds usually ranging from 1-2 minutes, USE your other chars to put up a fight in the time being... is abuse?


wtf is next??

red chars spells do half damage? wtf is the shard coming too man

Schooled in irc LOLOLOLOL ( why does never argue with an idiot jump Out?) you came in made 5 ******** comments Everyone made you look like an idot and you stfu.... well schooled. you are nobody. Half the server probably dont even know who the fuck you are anymore just leave again..... (how many times have u left and come back now?)
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