Help me choose house


Haiiii want to get a house, but i have never customized one, and i heard its kinda expensive, all i want is get a house (have around 200k) to leave there all my junk.

1What are the max storage of a classic houses?
2where can i check the storage of every house?
i want be able to fill up few bags with items inside chest


3 its Small Stone Tower roof safe? i mean standing in the middle
4- What about [URL='']Two-Story Villa, standing in the middle would be enough to avoid getting killed form outiside?



#1&#2 - Get a house placement tool (from architects). It shows you all available houses, classic and custom, plus it shows the cost and storage.

#3 - Roofs are never 100% safe.

Safety - As long as your house has walls and a roof, there is always a centerpoint that is completely safe (you may be hit by EQ but you cannot die). This is true for all classic and custom homes except for workshops.


Keep in mind that storage works differently in classics. Mostly around secure containers. A secure in a custom takes one lockdown +whatever is in the chest. In a classic a secure container is always 125 lockdowns, no matter how many items are in it. This means for classic houses you have to use lockdown containers that have weight limits on them, and are a pain to deal with.


Custom houses can get expensive depending on how elaborate you want the design to be. To customize, it is 10k flat + 500g per tile.

#1&#2 - Get a house placement tool (from architects). It shows you all available houses, classic and custom, plus it shows the cost and storage.

Really useful tool for house placement. One thing to consider though, while deeds for the classics can be stolen, they are generally much cheaper.