Hello new player wondering about Meta Tali


Hello I am a new player I just started yesterday when I heard of a Tali. I rushed to Valor and took the quest and found all the Vanq weapons I needed in a few hours killed the 100 monsters. And I was wondering what the best Tali would be for any play style and what would be the best way to lvl the item? Because right now I have hard times killing Lich Lords with my dex build. =P

Young Star

I think of the two dexer options the armor one is easier and cheaper to build. Berserker is a little harder to level without any relics to help with damage since it really relies on killing or severely weakening the monster before they can do the same to you.

Many people have a 2hand weapon for berserker when doing regular kill but sometimes use katanas for training. If you get tread it can also work better to use a 1 hander to chug a refresh and push through a monster since it takes full stamina. Phase shift works best with hiding and stealth while infectious wounds does better with poison.

The defense one works best with parry and all 1 hand weapon. You will typically need invul or fortified armor and shield to stay over 100ar. The two guys I have seen using it at champs were usually surrounded with mobs and tearing through them steadily. They had relics though which helped absorb hp and cure poison.

I do think that you can train defense much more organically since you would likely have the same armor and weapons whether you are training or not. Zerker you usually go naked or minimum armor to train and when doing normal pvming switch to your regular armor.


Hello I am a new player I just started yesterday when I heard of a Tali. I rushed to Valor and took the quest and found all the Vanq weapons I needed in a few hours

Doesn't something sound wrong here?

It took me a lot longer than that. I have a defensive at lvl 4 and an offensive at level 5...I would say the offensive is much easier to level, even with little to no armor. At lvl 5 with no relic I do a ton of damage, and the armor doesn't make a huge difference anyway. It is quite easy to just tear through the stuff...with defense, you have to deal damage as well...so even if you are a 120ar walking tank with a vanq slayer war mace, you are going to level slowly due to much lower damage. With a silver kryss or spear, I can mow through liche lords in about 2 hits...1 shot liches.

Slick Brick

Berserker is freaking awesome, but you will be fighting with no armor whatsoever (WHILE YOU LEVEL IT.) However, once you get the relics to go in the talisman it's badass. I've got two relics and am able to one shot lich lords about 35% of the time. Even have come close to one shotting a dragon. When I say one shot it's actually a total of 3 instant hits basically.

The tank one seems good, but from what I hear you basically need invulnerability plate set with invulnerability heater (preferred) for the best gains. While I have seen some impressive stuff, like someone tanking the Dark Father with wrestling, parry is extremely lack-luster on this server in my opinion.

Mage one I have heard great things about, but have only seen it in action once. Not really sure how fantastic it is to be honest.

As people have said it's all personal preference, but from personal experience-- berserker is badass.


I dont see how leveling naked is that efficient. Sure, in the low levels it dosent really matter, but the thougher the monsters get the more of a pain it gets.

This might not be a viable option for new players, but I would run with say silver slayer armor, which reduces the damage taken by half, whilst only losing 10-15% xp. Kill undead stuff like LL and AL with a katana and you will see it is a much more efficient way of leveling the berserker compared to doing it naked.

Also, choose berserker.


I chose a berserker. I'm not 7x yet so I'm lvling all my skills before I go down the road of lvling the totem. How do I obtain slayer armor? I don't even know what slayer armor is lol.


still i cant get the talisman quest where i can get it ? valor but where i see a fire elemental and nothing else but i dunno how to get it


Run Northwest of where you port in and you'll see a statue or if you have the non updated client you'll see tiles with ? Just type anything while you are close to that and you'll get a quest.