Hello Im new could anybody explain the controls?


Like how to talk to Npcs and whatnot Id pretty much just like a basic rundown of some of the controls please
Tab -> Toggles your character in and out of war mode (red cursor means war mode)
Right mouse button --> Makes your character move in the direction of the cursor
Left Mouse button --> can click on items/NPCs to bring up menus, if a targeting cursor has replaced your normal cursor, you can target an object, player, or monster. Targeting cursors appear after you cast a spell or use a skill or item.

Some commands can be typed based on the situation, for example if you are beside a bank, say "bank" and your bank box will open. (try searching google for UO commands)

Using Razor or UOsteam Hotkey functions, you can set many keyboard keys to perform actions.


easy hotkey macro for bank vendor etc i remember back from the the old days goes something like *hotkey* " Vendor buy the Bank some Guards! "even tho they are mashed commands they still work all the same