Handouts for European timezone players


This issue has been bothering me since day one, namely that handouts of the type that aren't given to all players whether logged in or not come at a time that in Europe is the middle of the night.

Is it possible to do handouts twice: once for European time zone, and once more for American. Can't you make it so players can only get it once (to prevent players receiving handouts twice).

I used to wait up waaay late in hope of making the handout, but eventually had to go to sleep and then it came a few hours after. This three year statue you guys got a few days ago was missed by Europeans again, which is not cool. We are just as devoted players as the Americans, and I think you GMs should consider this issue and take care of us as well.



I'm on Aussie time and just parked my character at the bank safe zone and went to bed, woke up with it in my bank. I do agree though.


I have a similar problem I play almost everyday, but I get on later at night and miss the handouts, and I don't feel like being a bank macro er 24/7 .


I see where it could be seen as unfair to the players who are in extremely different time-zones, Europe for example. While it doesn't make sense to implement this for every handout that occurs, but big ones like the anniversary of the server, everyone should get it. Every account that has a last log-in of at least a week prior should get the handouts in their bank boxes and would go to the top listed character on the log-in screen.

Bare with me here, coffee hasn't fully kicked in yet;
Using this last handout as an example:
The Black Staff could be the 'Logged in' "bonus" handout - Logged in, you got this in your pack
The 3 Year Statue could be the "Thanks for playing here" handout - Appears in everyone's bank box with a last log-in date no greater than 1 week


Or you could just wait and buy one. Its not like these handouts ever sell for a lot due to the amount given out and the amount of people that dont even want what they got half the time. :)


It would be nice to get the anniversary hand outs, I could buy them but a bank macroer didn't have to. Sometimes it isn't about the money, and I don't see anyone crying over it either. It us just something that would be nice.


Who knows if my computer might combust and go up in flames if I leave it unattended through the night? Would be a pretty sad way to die - burned to death because of login for an online game veteran statue.

It is definitely about more than the particular item (although I appreciate your offer of a statue, Glutt :) ), it's about being a part of the community events and not having the feeling of a 9-year-old that is sent to bed when the fun is about to start in the evening for the rest of the family.


hej Lyxx.
jeg har en du kan have.

Staff may keep handouts contained only to online players to reward those ingame and promote a teensy bit of market value. But i do remember previous discussion pertaining to a ticket system which offered everybody a random gift (with several different options and even the potential for a rarer hue).

i think that would be a pretty neat system that would also help out our Euro friends a bit more.


Does your computer spontaneously combust if left unattended or what?

No, i have the same problem where the router resets every now and than randomly throughout the 24h cycle. I can't do anything to stop it. Welcome to Poland.


hej Lyxx.
jeg har en du kan have.

Staff may keep handouts contained only to online players to reward those ingame and promote a teensy bit of market value. But i do remember previous discussion pertaining to a ticket system which offered everybody a random gift (with several different options and even the potential for a rarer hue).

i think that would be a pretty neat system that would also help out our Euro friends a bit more.

I like this. Regardless of what time zone the handout is given someone will miss it (work, rl commitments, sleep or just whatever)

If it is a random handout like Shane's birthday cake then it should just be random. But for significant milestones it should be available for all players as a thanks for supporting the shard and being part of the community.
If its just a question of having more players afk at the bank for a photo shoot opportunity and marketing purposes, then perhaps make a small chance for a rare hue for those players logged in.


Leave your chars logged in and should be fine? Or just buy the items, they can't give them out to everyone because some people have like 80 accounts.


What do we want? Rewards!
When do we want them? Now!

I missed it too because i'm in Europe but I don't care enough to actually leave my laptop on with a character logged in throughout the night.


I think it's fine that some rewards are only for players that are logged in, however it needs to be considered that for people in different time zones login is not an option, so that's an unfair barring from these rewards. I still think that the best solution is to give the rewards at two times: one for European evening, and then the regular American time. Then people will have two timeslots available for a login. I like this best because the rewards you get for being logged in at a special time are rarer than server-wide rewards given for simply having an account. Also I would like to experience the events as they happen, so it's about more than just the pixels, it's the community experience.


Unfortunately that's the problem non North American players are going to face playing any shard based out of the US. With manpower limitations as they are you aren't going to see events held across all time zones. Just isn't feasible.