Guards can now be called on you


New Member
Hello, first time UO played here :D

I find the game generally confusing but there is one thing which confuses me more than anything... About 3-4 times so far I have ran into a shop in Britain and died with this in my journal

Guards can now be called on you!
Arrest this scum!
Thou wilt regret thine actions, swine!
You are dead

I have no idea what I keep doing wrong but it's getting to be annoying :(

Also, what do I do after I have killed the dragon in the first newb quest? are there more quests?


It's're trespassing. Don't you know that you can't go into shops unless you're invited in.

Just kidding...I have absolutely no idea. Page a Gm for help?

Karl Sagan

Hello, first time UO played here :D

I find the game generally confusing but there is one thing which confuses me more than anything... About 3-4 times so far I have ran into a shop in Britain and died with this in my journal

Guards can now be called on you!
Arrest this scum!
Thou wilt regret thine actions, swine!
You are dead

I have no idea what I keep doing wrong but it's getting to be annoying :(

Also, what do I do after I have killed the dragon in the first newb quest? are there more quests?

what's in the journal right before 'guards can now...'?

Probably attacking an npc?


if you are in warmode and double click an NPC you will attack them.

The option "alert me when I'm about to perform a criminal act" (or whatever it's called) is on by default so he wouldn't be able to accidentally attack them without first clicking ok to the "this will make you a criminal" gump. Not sure what it could be though if it's happening multiple times.


The City of Britain is known to be a city of veganism.... so if you eat meat and enter the city, you will be frowned upon by the citizens and you may anger them to the point where they witch hunt you and kill you.


New players might believe your jokes if you don't state that's a joke.. since it's an mmo and anything is possible :cool: I think I will have to leave the city when I want to eat meat..:rolleyes:


@schlong We are all joking here but like a couple of others have said, you may be accidentally attacking shop owners. Make sure your cursor finger is silver and not red when you double click on anyone.


Many witty trolls gathered here

actually NO


New players might believe your jokes if you don't state that's a joke.. since it's an mmo and anything is possible :cool: I think I will have to leave the city when I want to eat meat..:rolleyes:

Imagine my face the first time i heard you could get the content of a paragon chest by letting an ettin walk over it :)


Imagine my face the first time i heard you could get the content of a paragon chest by letting an ettin walk over it :)
Wait thats how you do it!? i have been doing trying it the wrong way this whole time!? time to finally open my stock pile of locked chests! YAY! thanks! gotta go find a friendly ettin to walk on them!


Wait thats how you do it!? i have been doing trying it the wrong way this whole time!? time to finally open my stock pile of locked chests! YAY! thanks! gotta go find a friendly ettin to walk on them!

Just keep in mind that you lose the chest itself and the content will be on the ground.


New players might believe your jokes if you don't state that's a joke.. since it's an mmo and anything is possible :cool: I think I will have to leave the city when I want to eat meat..:rolleyes:
or how bout me begging the dono wendor when I started here becuz people were telling me I could win an ethy? I almost gm'ed begging before I realized I had been had.


or how bout me begging the dono wendor when I started here becuz people were telling me I could win an ethy? I almost gm'ed begging before I realized I had been had.

It won't work if you were not begging gm, I have some +1 begging SS for you to get to gm, wanna buy? :D